Still Procrastinating On Investing: Just Try It
by Bill Zahller | in Blog | 0 comments
Still on the fence and dragging your feet about making a real estate investment?
Just try it.
Imagine the Wright brothers never attempted flight. Imagine Benjamin Franklin never tried to invent electricity. Imagine Columbus never set sail. The world would be a lot different right now.
They didn’t have it all figured out when they started, but it worked out pretty well. The same can be said for the efforts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Sam Zell, and many others.
Real estate is a proven investment. It’s benefits have been proven for thousands of years longer than the stock market or cryptocurrencies. 90% of millionaires have made their money in real estate. There aren’t any billionaires who don’t own any or a lot.
Whether you just want to improve your financial position now, grow your wealth, future proof your income, optimize your finances for less taxes, or secure passive income streams for when you can’t work, or ensure your family is provided for when you can’t be there, real estate stands out as the best solution.
You may never have mastered every one of the finer points of real estate and investing. There is a lot to know, and things are constantly changing. Yet, you’ll never get any of the benefits unless you try it. You can always improve and tweak as you go and make your next investment better than the last.
It’s virtually always the things we don’t try that we regret, not those we do. The best day to have gotten started may have been yesterday, but there won’t be another day as great to get going like today.
You can take the DIY approach and buy your own rentals or try to flip houses yourself. You can take little baby steps and de-risk it as you go. Or you can partner with experts who have mastered it already, and have teams of people to make sure everything runs well, and just get the benefits while they do all the hard work.
Learn from them as you go. Make on investment. Watch how it performs. Then improve or simply repeat.
Whether it is for wealth preservation or growth, the tax-saving benefits, passive income or the returns, real estate investing is hard to beat. There’s nothing that offers this level and balance of stability and upside potential.
Start with a small investment today if you don’t have any real estate in your portfolio. Or expand and try something new, or upgrade to apartment building investing if you haven’t tried it yet.
You are the only thing holding your finances back. You are the only one who can make the breakthrough by taking small and easy actions to change that.
Make a new investment today…
Bill Zahller is the Managing Partner of Park Capital Partners, LLC and resides in Asheville, NC. As a Multifamily Real Estate Investor and Syndicator, he founded Park Capital Partners, LLC in 2016 after 14 years involvement in real estate investment. He works with accredited investors and professionals who are interested in real estate investment, diversification, and financial freedom.
Bill has been flying since high school. His father was a Naval Aviator and Captain for TWA. Bill has been flying professionally for over 25 years, 23 of those at his current company. He has accumulated over 12,000 hours and 7 Jet type ratings. He has also held Instructor, IOE Instructor and NRFO pilot positions with a large fractional flight company. He is currently flying the Global 6000 in a long range mission capacity. This keeps it interesting – one week its Beijing or Sydney; the next Rio or Rome.
Bill is also the founder of the Asheville Multifamily Investor Club. Visit www.ParkCapitalPartnersLLC.com for more information.
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